Looking for a steamy new read?

Then do I have just the free story for you!

Find out if we share a similar sense of humor! Or maybe you’ll find the story to be pretty hot. Maybe you’ll just think it’s disturbing. Who cares? It’s fun, it’s free, it’s short! What do you have to lose except a smidgeon of sanity? Click on the cover above, or click here, and enjoy!

Philgamesh on YouTube

I just recently started posting videos on YouTube. The content doesn’t have much to do with my writing. Instead, they mostly involve my hobby, comic books. I’m posting comic haul videos and showing off particular books. I do this for the fun of it, and because I enjoy interacting with the YouTube comics community. Anyone who’s interested or curious should go check out a few videos!

Links ahoy:

Lack of updates


I’ve been wanting to update my blog every couple of days, at least.  Instead I think it’s been a couple of weeks.  I guess that’s what happens when I have a full time job and a major writing project to work on.

I need more hours in the day.  If I could have any superpower, it would be the power to stop time.  Then I could get everything done.  Plus maybe I could make a dent in the massive pile of books and movies I’ve been meaning to consume.

I’m writing this while visiting with my niece and nephew who are watching some truly asinine children’s programming.  This is definitely a better use of my time.

Plotting vs. pantsing

It seems likely that everyone who writes fiction, when they first start out, begin by pantsing, that is, writing by the seat of your pants.  Making it up as you go along.  Plotting is the alternative, having a plan to one degree of detail or another.  Over the years, I’ve gone back and forth between the two.

When I was a kid, I didn’t have the patience or foresight to plot a story out in advance.  It wouldn’t have mattered if I did; it took years of reading and exposure to fiction in various media before I could have instinctually fumbled my way through a coherent story structure.

Now, though, I firmly believe that plotting is the way to go, and the more detailed, the better.  Of course, every writer works differently, but during the year of Our Lord 2016, I managed to hit a word count that put the previous twenty years to shame.  The reason is because I knew in advance what I was going to write.

I can go into more detail on specific writing projects at another time, on how they came about, how I wrote them, and whether or not I even finished them.  Many languish half done or barely started.  For now, though, I’m going to close by publicizing a personal goal.

I have a writing project coming up.  When, in a week or two, I’m ready to actually sit down and start accumulating the word count, my goal is ten thousand words every week, until I’m done.  What with the day job and all, this won’t be easy.  But I’m going for it.